Sunday, February 1, 2015

Don't Call Me Shirley.

Howdy, Saturday passengers.

Welcome on board the update flight, which is a quick, nonstop trip from sanity and brevity to a state where neither of those things exists. Feel free to imagine my voice with a southern twang coming over the PA system. I'm wearing aviator glasses, a tie with a short-sleeved shirt, and drinking bad coffee from a Styrofoam cup. Looks like we're ready to go.

The announcements up front are always the same, so feel free to ignore this part and instead use the time to leaf through the bizarre and useless items catalog, figure out what that sticky substance is on the armrest, or guess what the person in front of you could possibly be eating that makes such a putrid smell. Sbarro? Chipotle? Or is it some kind of food they brought from home in a tupperware container? Whatever it is, it smells like the burps of an obese camel that's been eating boiled cabbage.

I'm still editing. Making good progress, too. There are probably only a half dozen or so pages left that need attention. Which is pretty good, considering there are 35 or so in the whole book.

As far as the search for an agent and publisher...well, that's not exactly going well. Let's just say there has been some turbulence. Of course, you won't feel a bit of that turbulence, rest assured. But you will have to hear me complain about it. To date, I've sent out 20 query letters and received a grand total of three responses. They were rejections, to boot.

It's not as easy to stay optimistic when you've been sitting at the gate asking for permission to take off for four months. And mostly the only response I receive is silence. Honestly, the part that's the most frustrating to me is that I just want you to have this book. I felt pretty lucky that I didn't have to ask anyone's permission to create Saturday. It was a ton of fun to draw. But I didn't just do it for myself. I want to be able to share it with people. The problem for now is that I sort of have to ask permission in order to share it.

C'est la vie. I'll keep at it. I'm no closer to giving up now than I was when I started the hunt for an agent and publisher.

Here are some apropos update panels:

And here's the soundtrack for today's post:


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